
News report about Solana broadcasted by the American TV channel CBS

News report about Solana, broadcasted by the American TV channel KYMA.

News report about Solana, broadcasted by the American TV Channel Fox, after media visited the plant.

The largest utility in Arizona, the Arizona Public Service (APS) presents in this video the world’s largest solar-thermal plant, stressing its capacity to produce six more hours of clean electricity after the sun goes down

How can a solar plant still function when there isn´t any sunshine?

This is the motto that the largest utility in Arizona, the Arizona Public Service (APS), uses to promote the biggest solar plant in the world. APS has purchased all of the electricity produced by Solana for 30 years. In this video, we can see the answer to their question.

Visit by the team from TVE’s Comando Actualidad to Abengoa’s Solúcar Platform. During the report, the Televisión Española team interviewed José Domínguez Abascal, technical general secretary of Abengoa, who spoke about the Solana project, the world’s largest solar-thermal plant.

Extensive and complete report by the Fox channel about solar-thermal technology, how it works and its application at Solana, Abengoa’s solar-thermal platform in Arizona.

Speech by the President of the United States, Barack Obama, in July 2010 in which he announced the preliminary approval of a federal guarantee for Abengoa for the Solana project in the Arizona desert.

3D virtual replica of the Solana solar-thermal platform, which will be the largest solar-thermal plant in the world, and which shows all the details of the facilities located in Arizona.

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